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tv   C-SPAN Weekend  CSPAN  March 26, 2011 6:00pm-6:15pm EDT

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resolution? [applause] and hold our ground and spare the president down and stared out anybody would think they can impose this unconstitutional taking of american liberty on the american people it is on suitable to me. we came here to access this american dream and to oppose something that nationalizes your skin and puts the 10% tax on the outside. if the government can command your tax dollars for anything, they can commander dollars for anything. please stick around. we will have all ball with the reception and a banquet and the meal afterwards. thanks for coming to des moines irowa. this is outstanding.
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mike? [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2011] ♪ >> thtaat does wrap up the conservative principles conference. we will open the phones now. which presidential candidate best speaks to the principles spoke about today. for democrats, 202-5785-5885 republicans use 202-737-0001
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an585-3886 and residents of iowa can call -202-585- 3887. caller: i feel michele bachmann would make a good presidential nominee. because one she has outstanding conservative values. i do think she would be a good contender with obama if she sticks with those values. because we have somehow moved away from our conservative values and moved toward democracy, and that is where we wlook the same against the
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democrats. if you look more different and appeal to the larger percentage of the country, you can pull the independence and moderates with you to the republican side of the vote. i think that she would actually win the republican primary if given a good chance against president obama. i also believe that she looks like a good candidate because one, and she has good ideas i and getting the fiscal budget back together and getting the $105 billion that she and 20 other republicans and the house have found that were hidden in obama care. i feel that needs to be taken back and given back to the taxpayers. she seems willing to do that. if she is willing to do that, i am ready for her to do that.
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all the way, michele bachmann is our presidential candidate. host: richard in minneapolis, minnesota. you are on the democrats' line? caller: michael does not know about michelle bachmann. first, she divorced her husband -- a true fact -- she divorced her husband and and and she divorced her first husband and took everything that he had. that is what kind of person michele bachmann is. and michele bachmann does not care about the poor people at all. i know because i am one of them. host: who was the strongest person and the conference today? caller: i think steven king, him talking he was of the strongest. the republicans -- i am not blaming them up -- they say one thing and do another. so when they talk about what they are going to do, they do
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the exact opposite, because why would they be sitting -- why would big business be sitting on $2 trillion when everybody does not have a job and everything else? thahost: i'm sorry. i did cut you off. we go next to another caller from minnesota. don in st. paul. caller: i am behind newt gingrich simply because we need to go back to strong up court conservative of values. that is where the republican party constantly goes wrong. then the lines become blurred and we're one pork project away from becoming a democrat and that has been a problem with the republican party all along. 45% of the people and this country have core conservative values. if they'd just promote that, they will be fine.
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obama -- as long as he has the media -- 90% of the media is left wing, he will be tough to beat. host: who would you see today at the conference that you think might be able to do that. caller: newt. intellectually, he can challenge obama and maybe even win a debate lobby with obama. he has the facts and he is an intelligent man. and it really upsets me when people bring up the flaws and the past of the republicans. everybody makes mistakes. the american people understand that. it is who you become after you have made those mistakes. and i know newt gingrich has some issues with his marital problems and the past, but that is all and the past. host: the conservative principles political action committee, you just saw there a
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second to go on the screen, was hosted by the congressman from i was steve king -- from iowa steve king. here is a call from field park, california. caller: it was very informative to hear all the different points of view. i am a strong democrat. is interesting to see the conservative point of view. i enjoyed some of the speakers particular with people with intelligent viewpoints on things like fairer taxes and right to work. most of the political speeches were fairly predictable. and i am sure when george w. was in office, we demonized him as much as barack obama is being demonized by the far right. host: who particularly from today's speakers? caller: the head of the national
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right to work organization i thought had some very cogent points. he was not just trying to demonize all unions. he made a pretty compelling point for right to work states attracting industry. some of the taxation, a fair tax, the lady there represented made a convincing case for hard look at tax reform. it was a good, and informative conference. i think c-span for carrying it. host: we go to wayne and sylvester, georgia, and our republican line. caller: thanks for broadcasting as. thank you c-span for everything you do. i am a libertarian but you do not have a category for me to call in on. i was really inspired by herman cain. he hit so many of my key issues.
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it is not about color. just being true to your own personal values. wow. i was just blown out of my schair. host: next up, joe on the democrats' line in pennsylvania. caller: i'm a democrat but i am soon to become an independent. both parties are to blame for the position that we are in, but everyone seems to forget that 8 years in iraq has earned this nation down. last night on the pennsylvania megaball someone from new york won the lottery. it was $312 million. it would last six days to find the war in libya which we are
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getting out of. host: from what you saw and the conference did anything stand out? caller: king a little bit. these republicans think everybody can have a rush limbaugh show. i am not a socialist but if you lived through this life from fdr on, the liberals are to blame, but 3 businesses out of 100 will return a portion of the profits, a small portion the matter how much they are making. it is called good old-fashioned american greed. there were two people working at walmart taking care of 50 customers. everybody in this walmart has been cut six months ago from 40 hours to 28 hours. only partial benefits. that is the kind of country we live in.
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the ceo makes $170,000 a year and the lakers make $10 an hour. host: if you are a democrat call and on 2020-585-3885 republicans and 202-585-3886. for iowa residents, 202-585- 3887. if you are watching us on the c- span television, you can see some of our earlier footage from the political conference today. next we go to karen in argyle, iowa. caller: i tuned in late, but i pretty well already know why i'm supporting. first of all i appreciate stephen king. he is an excellent strong, solid conservative and i wish i was in his district. there is michele bachmann, i
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see. herman cain. and john bolton. those three a standout in my mind as solid constituency -- conservatives to understand the principles that made this country great. they would do what they could to help us get back on track. one writer said he would vote for and orange juice can if it were running against barack obama. host: beth on the republicans line. caller: thank you for airing all this. i was glad many of the speakers talked about what is going on in public schools. the holy grail of extreme liberalism -- not all democrats but controlling what our
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children learn and how they learn it. and as for nominees for the republican nomination, i think we have to acknowledge -- i think we have to acknowledge two things. that many of the common identities of the front runners have an albatross around their neck that they cannot win the general lection. newt gingrich, mike huckabee, mitt romney, michele bachmann, cannot win in a general election. the idea should be to beat the current administration, to win and not to have our favorites unnecessarily nominated. if i had to pick one at this point, i would say tim pawlenty. governor christie has been adamant. i think he needs more experience under his belt. hopefully, the soon the recently former ambassador to
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china, the former governor of utah has done a spectacular job in utah. i used to live there. i think he is a winnable in a general election. if i could incured by fellow voters to do one thing it would be not to become so enamored with the first half of the demographic. it has to be said out loud that barack obama one of the main reasons he won is because he was the first winnable african- american. so many african-americans i know was so twitter pated about that. host: we will take our final call. dave in pittsburgh on the democrats' line. turn down your tv if you could dave. let's try again. dave in its prepaittsburgh. caller:


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